Engineering Services
Featured Projects

Resolute Bay Airport Landfill Remediation – Design, Specifications, Tendering, and Remediation Verification
The Resolute Bay Airport Landfill, located at a remote community on Cornwallis Island in Nunavut, was developed by the Royal Canadian Air Force in 1949. Three separate landfills were present on site from past military and community activities. Outcome’s scope of work involved completing the remediation design and specifications for the consolidation and closure of the three landfills, supporting the tendering and contractor selection process, overseeing the construction for remediation verification, producing regulatory compliance reports, and developing a long-term monitoring plan to evaluate the effectiveness of the remediation. Outcome’s detailed constructability review and pre-construction planning support prior to tender ensured that there was only one question posed during the solicitation period and only one request for information submitted during construction. Outcome’s comprehensive on-site supervision and contract management support as the owner’s representative ensured that the project was completed within the planned two-year period and slightly under budget.

Snap Lake Diamond Mine Demolition Plan
As part of a team of expert designers and contractors, Outcome led the preparation of detailed plans and designs for the decommissioning of the closed diamond mine at a remote site approximately 220 km northeast of Yellowknife. The work involved all necessary scope definition and related means and methods for construction and mobilization by winter road (3 seasons), the design of all temporary camp and shop facilities during the two-year project for the abatement and demolition of close to 100 structures at the former diamond mine. The scope execution and related sequencing was presented in a detailed, resource-loaded critical path construction schedule and detailed level 4 cost estimate to a -10%/+15% accuracy. At the request of De Beers, Outcome provided additional supporting information for the regulatory submissions process for mine closure, and as part of an external cost verification exercise by an independent cost management consultant.

Iqaluit Former Metal Dump – Post-remediation Long Term Monitoring
The Iqaluit Former Metal Dump acted as a landfill for the United States Air Force from 1955 to 1963. Following the environmental remediation completed in 2017 Outcome Consultants completed a field program to evaluate the effectiveness of the remedial activities. The program included observational monitoring, surface water and sediment sampling, analysis of lab data, and reporting. Outcome provided technical expertise to the client based on findings and assisted with environmental risk management.
Hay River Fish Processing Facility & Residential Property – Enhanced Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment
Two properties in Hay River required environmental site assessments to evaluate site conditions. Both sites had documented hydrocarbon spills, past environmental assessments and remedial efforts completed. Outcome carried out an extensive document review, site visit, subsurface investigation and sampling program. Outcome designed and executed a very purposeful and efficient program to ensure the requisite information was obtained to provide detailed recommendations to the owner such that outstanding environmental liabilities could be addressed.

Yellowknife Public Wharf – Phase III Environmental Site Assessment and a Site-Specific Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment
The Yellowknife public wharf is a 0.55-hectare property used for public access to Yellowknife Bay. Outcome was retained to complete a Phase III Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) which included the development of a conceptual site model, the design and implementation of a drilling program, and the detailed analysis of results to define the extent of the contamination for the purposes of completing a site-specific Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment (SSHHERA).

Eureka High Arctic Weather Station (HAWS) and Airstrip – Desktop Study & Long-Term Monitoring (LTM) Program
The Eureka HAWS is located at 80o north on the very remote Ellesmere Island, Nunavut and is currently used for government-sponsored scientific research. Outcome’s scope of work included completing a desktop study of existing soil analytical results and previously conducted risk assessment to provide recommendations on future sampling requirements. Outcome completed on-site sampling, analysis, and reporting in 2017 and 2019 as part of the LTM program. Outcome developed actionable recommendations to address results that were not consistent with previous risk assessment assumptions and provided timely risk management alternatives to assist with adapting the LTM program to ensure regulatory compliance.

Fort Simpson – Hazardous Materials Abatement and Demolition
Outcome Consultants was retained to provide services associated with the abatement of hazardous materials and subsequent demolition of two structures in Fort Simpson, Northwest Territories. Outcome’s scope included review of existing site information, preparation of abatement and demolition design and specifications, support during tender period and contractor selection, site supervision during work and submission of a final closure report. Outcome’s contract management services ensured that the work was completed within the time and contract price and in compliance with the regulatory requirements.