Construction Services
Featured Projects

O’Connor Lake Mine Remediation
The O’Connor Lake Mine, a former lead and zinc mine located on O’Connor Lake in the Northwest Territories, was closed in 1952 and required remediation to remove the remaining hazardous materials and dilapidated structures left onsite. This remote site was accessible only by float plane and helicopter, and involved establishing a remote camp to accommodate workers throughout the remediation activities. Work included asbestos abatement, demolition of headframe and buildings, removal of all non-hazardous waste, backfilling an exploration trench, installing monitoring wells, regrading disturbed areas and removing contaminated soil. A concrete mine seal was installed over the exposed shaft following headframe demolition, which required the mobilization of hollow-core concrete panels via helicopter. Services provided by Outcome included technical writing for submittals, procurement, subcontractor management, project controls, Earned Value Management reporting, material testing, survey, and comprehensive reporting throughout the project to ensure client satisfaction and regulatory compliance.

Hay River Harbour Restoration
The Hay River Harbour Restoration Project consisted of removing approximately 50,000m3 of sediment from the Hay River and Great Slave Lake to restore navigability for boats. Outcome Consultants provided environmental and survey services to the prime contractor during dredging operations. The environmental scope included sampling of stockpiled sediment to evaluate for contamination, installation of turbidity sensors for real-time monitoring via remote telemetry, and environmental compliance oversight. Data from the turbidity sensors was presented on a web-accessible dashboard, ensuring continuous monitoring of water quality throughout the project. Bathymetric and topographic surveys were conducted to measure the volume of material removed from the channel. On behalf of the contractor, Outcome completed all environmental compliance reporting to the Owner for submission to the regulator in accordance with the water license.

Ruttan Mine Site Remediation TMA Capping Completion Works
The Ruttan Mine, located in northern Manitoba, was closed in 2002 and required significant remediation for protection of the surrounding environment. Multiple contractors had unsuccessfully attempted to complete the remediation project funded by the Manitoba government, leading to the release of the most recent tender issued in 2020. Outcome was retained by the prime contractor to assist with the proposal development and all aspects of the construction planning and execution to minimize risk associated with such a complex remediation project. The Ruttan Mine Remediation project included capping and stabilizing of the existing tailings cells (>1,000,000m3 of capping material), dam stabilization, upgrading the existing swales to manage contaminated water runoff, peat mining and placement, and seeding of selected areas to restore natural vegetation. Moreover, Outcome performed materials testing at an on-site soil laboratory, clay borrow investigations and borrow development planning, compaction testing, on-site quality control, technical support, and project controls and contract management.

Flin Flon Tailings Impoundment System (FFTIS) Multi-Year Dam Upgrades Construction Project
The Flin Flon Tailings Impoundment System (FFTIS) Multi-Year Dam Upgrades Construction Project consisted of building two large toe berms to stabilize existing legacy dam structures in addition to a large spillway to control excess water accumulation in the tailings borrow area. The scope of work included quarry and bedrock blasting, material production using a crusher and screening plant, bulk stripping, common excavation, and the placement of >200,000m3 of various material types. Outcome assisted the Contractor throughout the project cycle, from tender to close-out, to ensure the project was profitable without sacrificing schedule or quality. More specifically, Outcome was retained by the Contractor to perform on-site soil laboratory and field compaction testing, on-site quality control and lift approvals, surveying, project controls and contract management, and blast monitoring.

Jericho Diamond Mine Site Stabilization
Jericho is an abandoned open pit diamond mine located in Nunavut, approximately 420km northeast of Yellowknife. Outcome, in joint venture with Rowe’s Construction Ltd., was awarded the contract to mobilize all requisite heavy equipment, remote camp, and materials for the breaching three existing dams to restore previously natural water flow, grading and installing a cover over the existing tailings containment area, decommissioning above-ground storage tanks and structures, constructing an on-site lined containment facility for non-hazardous wastes, and consolidating hazardous material for off-site disposal. Outcome created certainty for the owner by submitting a tender with a comprehensive mobilization plan which was carefully integrated with the construction plan. This included preparing innovative designs for the decommissioning activities to accommodate the heavy equipment that would fit within the C-130 Hercules, the largest cargo aircraft available. Outcome secured the regulatory approvals quickly and overcame the structure demolition and frozen-core dam decommissioning challenges such that the project was completed within the tight six-month contract time constraint and slightly under the original tendered contract price.

Bullmoose Ruth Remediation
Outcome, in joint venture with Rowe’s Construction, was awarded a contract for the implementation of a remediation project at seven remote mine sites within a 20 km radius, approximately 120 km southeast of Yellowknife. The Contract required the design and construction of 140 km of winter road in 2017 and 2018, provision of remote construction camps, and the supply of all necessary personnel, heavy equipment, and materials to remediate the seven mine sites. The on-site construction activities involved the construction of two lined non-hazardous landfills, construction and operation of an on-site soil treatment facility, collection of hazardous wastes and containerization for off-site disposal to a licensed facility, sediment remediation and consolidation of wastes at all seven mine sites and transportation by winter road to the two landfills, design and construction of mine seals at twelve openings, consolidation of waste rock and tailings and construction of soil covers and revegetation. Despite significant change of conditions and stakeholder concerns which precipitated changes and increased costs, Outcome leveraged its technical expertise to propose design alternatives to ensure that the project could be completed within budget and one year ahead of schedule.

Snow Lake Anderson Tailings Impoundment Area (TIA) Expansion Project
Outcome was retained to provide construction services for the development of a tailings dam and spillway channel and was responsible for preparing and implementing an ITP, all construction surveying, on-site laboratory and materials testing, weekly schedule progress reporting, cost tracking, preparation of Requests for Information (RFI), invoicing and change management. Outcome’s open communications with the owner led to various innovative and actionable solutions being adopted, including proactively identifying required schedule adjustments to complete critical works in 2019, designing and constructing two siphon systems to draw down the water level in the TIA, and implementing design changes for the spillway structure to accommodate the change in bedrock conditons and for improvements to the impermeable liner system.

Faro Mine Complex – Package #1: Diversion Channel, Zone II Outwash Ponds and Road A for the NFRC Relocation
The Faro mine is an abandoned open pit lead-zinc mine in south-central Yukon which is under remediation. The initial construction work package (CWP) required an upgraded stream diversion system to control runoff from the waste rock. Outcome provided technical writing, cost estimating, and scheduling pre-construction support to the contractor during the solicitation period. Once awarded, Outcome provided environmental sampling and reporting for regulatory compliance, project controls, provision of a mobile laboratory and materials quality control testing, and documentation support during the CWP execution. Outcome prepared various start-up plans and submittals, regulator compliance submittals and quality control checklists, as well as earned value management and cost/schedule performance reports during execution. The work was completed within the planned cost and schedule and to the quality expectations of the owner.

Great Slave Lake Environmental Remediation
The Great Slave Lake remediation project involved the remediation of four abandoned mine sites along the eastern portion of Great Slave Lake known as Outpost Island Mine, Blanchett Mine, Wilson Mine, and Waldron Mine. Outcome assisted the contractor in the pre-construction planning and the preparation of the technical proposal for submission with the tender which led to a successful award. During construction, Outcome was responsible for the pre-mobilization submittals, creating a control estimate for the project, scheduling the work and creating a health and safety plan. An onsite Project Controls Officer from Outcome ensured on site work complied with the specifications, provided cost performance reports to the contractor, and monitor schedule progress relative to the baseline schedule. Outcome’s quality management support avoided rework and the detailed project controls assisted the contractor in completing the work within the required one-year timeframe and for the original tendered price.

Farley Mine Rehabilitation – Project Controls Services
Outcome was retained by the contractor to provide construction support services related to the installation of an engineered cover at the Tailings Management Area (TMA) at the former Farley Mine in Lynn Lake, Manitoba. This remediation project involved covering approximately one million square metres of tailings and acid-generating waste rock and to prevent tailings from entering the surrounding environment. The scope of work for Outcome included preparing the submittals in accordance with the contract, preparing a project controls system, providing on-site monitoring and project control services during the six-month construction project, and preparing progress reports during construction. The project was completed within schedule and for the original contract price and was referred to by the owner as “one of the best projects I have ever worked on”.

Notigi Marina – Facility Upgrades and Dock Construction
Outcome was retained to support the planning and execution of a marina facility upgrade and dock construction in Northern Manitoba. The constructor was a local First Nation contractor retained by the owner using a “Direct Negotiated Contract” model. Due to the sole sourced procurement approach, Outcome provided extensive cost estimating and scheduling support and provided a detailed ‘open book’ cost estimate to facilitate negotiations between the contractor and owner on the final contract price. During execution, Outcome provide on-site supervisor and project controls personnel to support the supply chain management and construction implementation activities. Detailed Earned Value Management reports were provided to the contractor and owner so that the actual cost and schedule performance information could be monitored and to facilitate discussions on change events.

Property Soil Remediation, Dawson City, YT
Outcome Consultants was retained to plan and execute the remediation of a Petroleum Hydrocarbon (PHC) impacted property in Dawson City. Outcome’s scope included acquisition of necessary permits for remedial activities, preparation and implementation of design and execution planning submittals, excavation and off-site disposal of impacted soil, soil sampling to verify remediation completion, backfill and compaction of clean fill, scheduling and reporting.